Ochre and Ink screens in Chengdu, China
Diplomacy and collaboration were on display on 27 June when Ochre and Ink was screened at Fangsuo Commune store in Chengdu China by the Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu as part of their NAIDOC Week 2021 events. An audience of over 200 mostly young Chinese people attended the film screening and launch of the Yuendumu Doors […]

OCHRE AND INK DVDs now available on Amazon
Ochre and Ink DVDs can be purchased from Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Ochre-Ink-Zhou-Xiaoping/dp/B071KH28VW

You can find more information about OCHRE AND INK on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ochre-and-Ink/240131949378357

You can now view OCHRE AND INK on Vimeo On Demand
Ochre and Ink is now available for viewing on VIMEO ON DEMAND! You can see it here – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ochreandink

OCHRE AND INK at CINEFESTOZ in Australia’s South West
You can see OCHRE AND INK at the Community Free Screenings of CINEFESTOZ August 20-24 at these venues in WA: Weld Theatre, Busselton | Bunbury Regional Art Gallery | Margaret River Library | Augusta Community Resource Centre | Nannup Town Hall http://cinefestoz.com/2014-program/community-free-screenings/

OCHRE AND INK shares 3rd place Short Documentary award at ReelheART
ReelHeART International Film Festival Toronto@ReelHeART Award: ☼ 3rd Place Short #Documentary ☼ Congratulations! “Ochre and Ink”, Dir. James Bradley, Australia

Artist Zhou Xiaoping, Curator Kathy Leung and Director James Bradley at Hong Kong House Sydney following the screening of OCHRE AND INK and Q&A on Friday 11 April 2014.

OCHRE AND INK will screen at ‘I WAS THEREFORE I AM’ exhibition
OCHRE AND INK will screen at ‘I WAS THEREFORE I AM’ exhibition at Hong Kong House 80 Druitt Street Sydney, on Friday 11 April 2014. Grab your tickets at http://ochreandink.eventbrite.com.au
OCHRE AND INK screening at the Astor Cinema Ararat, Victoria
To coincide with the exhibition ‘Made in China, Australia’, OCHRE AND INK will be screened at Ararat’s Astor Cinema on Monday 31 March from 6.30pm.

OCHRE AND INK is an Official Selection for ReelHeART 2014 in Toronto
Just announced! Ochre and Ink is an Official Selection for ReelHeART International Film Festival June 23-28 2014 in Toronto Canada This Canadian Premiere screening will be on Friday June 27 at 3pm. http://reelheart.org/friday-june-27/friday-june-27-300pm/