Ochre and Ink screens in Chengdu, China
Diplomacy and collaboration were on display on 27 June when Ochre and Ink was screened at Fangsuo Commune store in Chengdu China by the Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu as part of their NAIDOC Week 2021 events. An audience of over 200 mostly young Chinese people attended the film screening and launch of the Yuendumu Doors […]

OCHRE AND INK DVDs now available on Amazon
Ochre and Ink DVDs can be purchased from Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Ochre-Ink-Zhou-Xiaoping/dp/B071KH28VW

You can now view OCHRE AND INK on Vimeo On Demand
Ochre and Ink is now available for viewing on VIMEO ON DEMAND! You can see it here – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ochreandink

OCHRE AND INK Screening at the Arts School of Chengdu University
As part of Sichuan TV Festival’s ‘Australia Day’, OCHRE AND INK screened to a large audience of faculty and students at the Arts School of Chengdu University on 18 November. The students were clearly inspired by the documentary and welcomed James to the stage. James talked about the film and answered questions on a wide […]

OCHRE AND INK Screening at Sichuan Normal University
OCHRE AND INK screened as part of the Sichuan TV Festival ‘Australia Day’ screenings at the Film and Television College of Sichuan Normal University in Chengdu. Cathy Li & James Bradley were warmly welcomed by the faculty heads and students, and later took part in a comprehensive Q&A session with the students who asked some […]